Tuesday, September 6, 2011

7. Defending Earth-Before You Go

I stared at the duffel bag.  It was sitting on the bed, open and waiting to be fed more items.  Idly, I ripped the threads which had decided to try and run away.  Once it had been  bright blue, but now seemed a faded gray.  Except for the dark splotch where wine had been spilled.  The zipper yawned at me as teeth, waiting to finish its meal.

Except there was nothing more.  Several shirts, a couple pairs of pants, underwear, several bras, just as many airs of socks, hairbrush, soap, lotion, and shampoo was all I was taking.  My shoes would rest comfortably on my feet.  My sword would remain in my hands.

The sword is the reason I travel light.  Weapons were provided, but eventually most soldiers had one custom built for them.  The maker of my sword had looked at my almost four foot and a half height and then at the type of sword I wanted.  A longsword.  There had been a burst of laughter, but that quickly died as he got down to business.

Weapons are expensive.  In less than six months I will have mine completely paid for.  Then I'd be able to buy something other than necessary clothes and food.

"Knock knock," a voice called from my doorway.  It was still my room for another ten hours.  Private Nieto was framed with his arms behind his back.

"Come in," I kept the order light.

"Permission to speak frankly," he asked.


"Who the hell do you think you are?  Were you going to say goodbye to any of us?" the words flew from his mouth and rattled around in my skull.

"I was going to find everyone before I left in the morning.  I'm packing..."

"Not anymore.  Boys?" he leaned out down the hall.  A rush of soldiers flooded my room and I was swept away with the current.  The current turned down the halls and was soon filled with alcohol.

***Ok!  Labor Day yesterday so there was no post.  I know it's been kinda slow, but I'm hoping to pick up the pace this week.***

1 comment:

  1. Hooray drunken party!

    Hopefully not a harbinger of hungover disaster!

    I like the detail of weaponry being expensive.
