Monday, August 29, 2011

17. The Dreamer-Flowers

When she awoke, the world was solid.  A layer of darkness is gone from the world.  Hospitals floors are cream with a layer or grime.  The skin under her mother's eyes was purple.  She was trying to lessen this shade to her natural olive by closing her eyes.

"Where's the chart for Room 24?"
"Have you been to that new coffee shop?"
"I need to see the doctor now!"

Footsteps thundered, machines beeped, each in an attempt to be the loudest noise.  Scattered against the backdrop of cream and draping blue, on the the single piece of furniture, are cards.  Pink, yellow, green, purple, and red were splashed on envelopes and flowers.  The centerpiece was orange descending into red roses.

A new sound entered.  At the knock on the door, her mother's eyes opened.

"Anna!  How long have you been awake?" the fatigue which had gripped her mother temporarily gone.

"Here you go.  As you eat dinner, please fill out the menu for breakfast.  I'll be back shortly," and then the interruption was gone.

"How are you feeling?" the question made Anna pause.  Her body was sore, tired, and in pain.  But things were clearer now.  The world felt real and solid.

"Better," Anna answered.  The flowers demanded they be looked at.  The tight corners on her mother's eyes slowly disappeared as Anna studied the flowers.

"That's good.  The doctor wants to look at you tonight and see if you can go home tomorrow,"

"Sounds like a plan to me.  Those flowers would look perfect in my kitchen," she could see it.  Her red, dark, wooden dining room table with the orange red roses sitting on top.  Her appliances and counters were black. And her dishcloths, containers, and mixer were deep red.

"Michael really outdid himself.  As soon as he was released he went and bought those for you," she heard her mother's words, but didn't quite believe what she had heard.

"Michael?  Not Nick?  My boyfriend?"

"Oh, I'm absolutely sure.  Nick hasn't stopped by to see you.  He's been busy with work and school.  But he has been calling every couple hours," somehow, her mother's explanation felt heavy.  Then she thought of calling Michael to tell him thanks.  The weight was lighter.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Anna! Beat to hell AND having to deal with hospital food.

    Could probably lose the "My Boyfriend?" bit, even though I understand why you want to remind people.

    Nick sounds kinda like a turd.
