Thursday, August 18, 2011

2. Defending Earth-The Arriving Captain

I woke up that morning with a strong sense of purpose.

That's a lie.  I was tired, sore, and just wanted to sleep for a week.  Captain Clark had, as always, assigned me to teach them the combat basics.  That was before the attack.

"Sergeant Weaver, report immediately to the Command Center, a voice bliped over the intercom.  Muttering to myself I crawled out of bed.  At least there would be coffee.  Checking the time I saw they had let me sleep for almost eight hours.  That was decent of them.

Lights flickered at random intervals throughout the underground tunnels.  With the attacks coming more frequently, maintenance had dropped in priority.  Looking up, I saw darkness where light should have been streaming through the skylights.  It had snowed while I had slept.  Very considerate of the snow to wait until after the attack was over.

Perhaps I should have taken that as a sign.

"Sergeant Weaver, this is Captain Clark," Colonel Hager stated after I reported in.  Despite myself, I gaped.

"Captain Clark?  THE Captain Clark?" I repeated like a broken record.  Id never heard a broken record, but it was something my mom used to say.  His strong, calloused hand shook mine.  The edges of his mouth tugged, but he didn't blush.  He was used to this reaction.

And no wonder.  It was said he was the only thing the Peregrinies feared.  Officially he had killed nine of the large aliens.  I have to admit, he was not what I expected.  The Captain's uniform was slightly worn.  Despite the physical activity he had to maintain, there was a slight sign of pudginess.  His hair was somewhat wispy, a very light brown or dirty blonde.  I couldn't decide which.

"You've heard of me.  It is an equal pleasure to meet Sergeant Weaver.  Your trainees have the highest survival rate in the Americas," his voice was soft.

"Captain Clark transferred here because of the increase in attacks we've been having.  Now..." a blast from the alarm cut the Colonel off in mid-sentence.  All eyes flipped to the screen on the wall.  It showed the topography in real time.  Small blips were making their way to our city.  Another attack.

"Show Captain Clark where to suit up," the Colonel instructed me before getting on the intercom.  As he ordered for every soldier to arm themselves, we were already heading to the weapons rooms.


  1. That's right, bitches - I'm a Cap'n. That reminds me, that completely unrelated check that we agreed upon should be arriving shortly.

    I was HOPING that we'd get a badass military dude, although I'm pretty convinced that he'll die in some horrible fashion. Anything less would be unworthy of me. Of the character, I mean.

  2. I have an idea in my head for an entire New Mutants Squad!
